
For a bio page, click the ABOUT button.

For frequently asked questions and info on rates, scroll on.


  • Most research shows that the fluid interaction between counsellor and client (the ‘therapeutic relationship’) has more to do with therapeutic outcomes than anything else.

    So, the move is to book a few consult calls and see who you vibe with. In some cases it’s good to choose a therapist who specializes in your area of concern. More often, in my opinion, it’s best to work with someone you feel at ease with. Comfort trumps credentials here.

  • We meet on Zoom and get to know a bit about each other. The goal of a consult call is to reach a common understanding of what the client is looking for and what the therapist can offer. It’s not about life history and it’s not an interview. It’s about saying hello.

    If it feels like a good fit, cool. If you have not yet done a consult with other therapists, I recommend it. If I feel you might be better served by a colleague of mine, I’ll suggest you follow up with them.

  • There are pros and cons to both. It feels a tad unethical of me to have an opinion because of my clear bias of having an entirely virtual practice. That being said, if someone does not have a private space to meet for sessions, then absolutely they would benefit from having a physical space to go to. There are many opinions on this in the industry. Ultimately, it’s best you go with whatever feels the most comfortable.

  • No. All sessions are offered virtually.

  • I am registered with the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors as a “Registered Clinical Counsellor” or RCC (#20738). Not all benefits packages in BC cover RCC’s but many do.

  • It’s entirely up to you. The people I see most commonly book every 2-3 weeks. If you are new to counselling it can be beneficial to book higher frequency for the first couple of months. There is no right or wrong way to do this - trust your gut.

  • Again, there is no right or wrong way to do this. My best suggestion is that you take 10min or more before a session to take a pause from distractions. This can be as simple as looking out the window and taking a few breaths, listening to music and moving around for a few minutes, laying down, taking a stretch…whatever helps you feel in your own body. Being present is the greatest asset you can bring to a session (in my opinion).

  • Head to the Contact page. If you are a new client, start by booking a consult call. If you are a returning client, follow the link to the Janeapp booking page.

Cost Transparency

  • Each 55min session costs $150 + GST

    For each 55min session I block off 1.5hrs to allow time for prep, note taking, client specific research and follow up.

  • Around 45% of a session rate goes to maintaining a sustainable practice.

    Operational expenses include registration dues, booking software, virtual platform, website, accounting, insurance, corporate taxes, personal taxes and so forth.

    Professional development includes trainings and supervision sessions (counsellors counselling other counsellors about client work).

  • For every 55min session I block 1.5hrs in my calendar to allow for prep time, client specific research, note taking and follow up.

    In terms of how a session rolls, we transition from checking in, to setting a goal for the session, into the deep and out again. Around the 45min mark we start tying up loose ends. Around 50min we begin to debrief the session itself.

Next step, connect.

Have questions? I’m all ears.

Ready to book a consult call? Awesome.

To connect about inquiries or to book a consult, fill out this form and it will land in my inbox. Also feel free to email me at